The free Crowdsourced Sample Pack is finally here
It's finally here...
*drum roll accompanied by an ascending sine wave followed by a single chime*
Mirror link 1 Mirror link 2
A large, royalty-free compilation of thicc drums, inspired melodies and realistic bodily secretion sounds - this pack is a culmination of all the homemade odds and ends people kindly submitted for our guests to fuck with. While there'll be some little cuts that viewers of the show might recognise, there's a few that haven't really had their chance to shine.
That's where you guys come in.
It's been sorted as best we felt we could after removing everything anything that blatantly wasn't made by the person submitting. Given that everyone submitted whatever they wanted the ratios of sounds in each category are a little skewed. There's heaps of foley sounds and digitally processed fx madness (which, lets be honest, is the kind of stuff you want sound packs for, right?) with some tidy drums and one shot synths to enjoy.
Furthermore, as our way of saying thank you we've even added copies of the flagship track from each episode as well a few little bonus clips cut from the show stems.
Don't say we're not good to you.
Here's a minute long demo of the sounds in the pack featuring snippets from Rocco Tavu, Comrade Massie, Watgood, Casement, Jackson Swaby, Ellzo and KMRU respectively:
While a great deal of care has been taken to ensure this sample pack is completely original and copyright-free, the nature of having an open collaborative platform means that we might have missed a few instances of plagarism. If you feel you've encountered any of this material elsewhere then we'd appreciate you reporting it here and we'll see that it's dealt with immediately.
We'd like to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone who uploaded - here's a full list of contibutors with all their messages of support, death threats and quasi-religious ranting ordered chronologically. Folk who opted to be a part of the sample pack are highlighted to show their inherent moral superiority.