Sunn O)))

9 years ago

Welp, it's finally happened. We've been gleefully checking off a (rusted, sludge-filled) bucket list lately, and after the likes of Earth and Boris – not to mention some prominent come hither advances over the years – it's a pleasure to bring you the mighty Sunn O))) in concert. Few artists embody an entire scene/sound like Sunn do; they're a byword for everything that's good and great in doom for a reason. Ahead of a four day curatorial stint at Le Guess Who? and the imminent KannonLP, their first non-collaborative record since 2009, we shot Stephen O'Malley's doom demigods in Berlin.

Black robes, dry ice, riffs played ultra-slow and ultra-heavy, and decibel levels so immense that even Mary Anne Hobbs struggled to withstand: what more could you want?


Sunn O)))-profile-image
Sunn O)))
Tracklist not provided