Hey guys and girls, it's Valentines Day next monday. Don't go making reservations at Nando's though, we've got your date on lock because Young Turks are getting themselves all up close and smoochy with Boiler Room for a Valentines Day Takeover. All from our brand new home at Corsica Studios!
For those who missed Jamie XX at the Get Me! party last Saturday, we'll be streaming him direct to you at home. He will be joined on the set by Yasmin, who seems to be having an awful lot of success recently (though seeing as she toured with N*E*R*D as their DJ some years ago, I doubt anything seems like much of a success to her nowadays).
Original Boiler Room affiliates Jessie Ware & Sampha will also be blessing the set. There' not an awful lot to say about this pair that we haven't said before, just expect all the dudes inside to get mushy during their live PA of 'Valentine'.
Also playing will be The Shining. Who we're not too schooled on. Instead of feeding you some bits from google, let's now handover to the voice of Rastamouse, Mr Reggie Yates, to fill you in.