Upfront 076 / July 26, 2016

Voyage Recordings

Voyage Recordings astronaut, Andy Hart, meanders through an aural display of the label's output over the past two years. New Youandewan, Ausländer, Urulu and more inside.

About this mix

At the start of the month, this small label turned two years old. That doesn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, but it has given me a chance to reflect on how the hell we’ve ended up here.

As a concept, Voyage existed for some time before we released the first record. I had a clear idea of the aesthetic it would take on, but it wasn’t until Sam/Sprinkles brought my ramblings about artwork, record sleeves and sci-fi to life that the label became something tangible, something real. Since then, Voyage seems to have evolved in parallel to my musical tastes and Sam’s visual interests as the records speak through their artwork more and more with each release.

This mix is loosely based on a narrative of the label and the past two years, featuring an upcoming EP by Youandewan, unheard Ausländer meanderings as well as a remix made especially for the mix by Urulu. I’ve also included some bits of my own that will see a release in some form on the label as well as a few things made this month to tie the whole mix together.

Peace and thanks to everyone who has supported the label.

Andy Hart

Boiler Room says...



Andwot juggles head of editorial and hosting/programming duties for Boiler Room.
